Saturday, April 24, 2010

Still Waiting...

Just a quick update here to all who've been waiting with me for lambs. Nothing yet! I thought surely yesterday, with storms, etc. that barometric pressure would set off labor, but nope! Maybe Tammy G. was right, a watched sheep just doesn't boil, er lamb. :)

The girls couldn't look much more uncomfortable than they do right now. Their bellies are bigger... their udders are huge, making last weekend's udder pic look like child's play... they waddle everywhere as their pelvis' run out of room... and they sleep a lot!

My husband, Troy, told me yesterday that I've "poisoned" him too. I've been saying for a month now, "They just have a look... I suspect they might have a lamb by morning." He confessed that he's now started checking them constantly. Thankfully, their maternity pen is right next to the house and barn, where we can look out the window whenever we want. Of course, maybe that's the problem. Too many eyes watching... lol

Everybody have a great weekend! The girls and I will be sorting through all of their outgrown toys and clothes to put into my sister's garage sale. Bring on the coffee!!!


  1. Waiting is the hardest! Mine looked like they would explode for days before they actually lambed. I have one angora doe left. I am hoping for twin girls!
    Have a wonderful weekend Kim! Maybe tonight!

  2. Hey Kim,
    Now that they are sheared it'll be much easier to tell when lambing will be soon (w/in 24 hrs, usually). Their sides just in front of the hipbones will sink in noticeably, as well as the area on either side of the tailhead. Also, uhm..well you know what I told you about glowing hinder parts. ;-) Heres to lambs--SOON!

  3. Marie: I hope you get more girls. It seems to be the year of the ram, so to speak. Have you had buck kids or girls so far? Good luck with the "kidding", is that what they call it in goat world? :)

    Tammy: Thanks for the reminder of the "drop" phase. Now with the shearing done, it's a lot easier to spy their girly parts. Although, Brownie always seems to know when I'm looking and pushes her tail done. She's such a crafty thing!

    Alright, back to sorting toddler clothing. Ugh. I'm already wishing I'd stuck to my original plan of just donating... they could sort it all out! :)

  4. Kim, for the items that doesn't sell you could take to the Savers store in Olathe sometime. It's a great "second hand" store. The donations support big brothers and sisters of KC. I love going there and looking around. Took my mom there on Saturday and I came out with 3 pair of new looking shorts and 1 pair of dress pants with the tags still on it. What a find!! I'm not too proud to wear something used if it still has lots of use. They call it the green thing to do, I call it saving me some green. Hee hee

  5. pt: Thanks for the tip. I'm not familiar with the Savers store. I love looking through other people's throw aways. :) Where in Olathe is it?

  6. Savers is on 135th and Mur-len in Olathe. And I just found out there is also one on 95th and Nall. They have all kinds of stuff - basically a huge indoor garage sale. Lots of fun.
