Friday, June 25, 2010

Unexpected Visitor

Wednesday was our oldest daughter's fourth birthday. At 8:00 am our dogs started to bark at the patio window. I thought maybe a lamb had squeezed through the fencing, or maybe chicken had found her way over the gate. When I looked out the window, this is who I saw...

"Hello, little lady." She was covered in tics, maybe a few days worth. She looked slightly underweight, maybe just by a few days as well. She was scared. Somehow, this tiny little thing found her way past all of the other critters, into the backyard and around to our patio. Hmm.

Currently, we are looking for her owners. However, as each day goes by with no word, the outlook is not favorable. We are very rural, and we all usually know everyone else's business, err pets - uh hum. Anyhow, nobody recognizes her, and I've posted info. regarding a found dog in all of the usual channels. Chances are good she was "dumped" by heartless humans.

If no home is found soon, we will adopt her out. Ashlyn has dubbed her "Barky", although she hasn't uttered a peep yet. She takes to a dog kennel with ease. She has no idea what to do on a leash, but she is starting to get the idea. She is very calm, very quiet, timid, and she would gladly sit on our laps all day long. She is either a toy fox terrier or a miniature rat terrier, and she probably weighs about 5 or 6 pounds. She will make a lovely lap dog. It looks like she might be in heat, or at least coming/going. If I'm right, she will need to be spayed, vaccinated, etc. Her skin is dry and slightly irritated, which could be from the ticks, outside heat, malnutrition, worms, hormones, or white dog/sensitive skin. She's not shown any aggression, even in fear. She's now been exposed to the kids, dogs, cat, chickens and sheep. Her submissive nature should fit easily into an already established pet household.

If anyone is interested in fostering her or adopting her, please let me know.


  1. Doesn't sound like a dog anyone would want to get rid of! I hope you find the little sweetheart a good home.

  2. I'm still holding out hope that someone's looking for her, and there will be a happy reunion. It has yet to ever work out that way for any of the strays that I've rescued, but one can dream. However, her sweet personality and diminutive size already have a few people interested in adopting her. It's always the big dogs or black dogs that are the hardest to find good homes. Your family of animal lovers is probably well acquainted with stray rescue. :)

  3. Kim, Your blog is just wonderful! You and Troy should be so proud of the life you have created for you and the girls.... and the animals too! I will look forward to reading more.

  4. Hi Lisa, thanks for checking out my site. Is this the Lisa P. I used to work with, or another Lisa I might know?

  5. Can I scream now? What is up with people? I'm hoping for her sake and yours she was 'lost', but the fact she has no clue on a lead, isn't spayed etc. makes it sound like she wasn't exactly treasured. I'm sure you've checked Craigslist for lost pets... It's amazing (and lucky!) the little sprite was able to navigate everything to make it to your patio--especially with her quiet nature. Over the years we've had a german shepherd, irish setter, chihuahua, malamute, cattle dog, hounds, and of course Boone (french mastiff) either strayed in or found in distress--as well as a slew of mixed breeds. In all those years not one was ever claimed. Sad.

  6. Hi Kim, yes it's me from Headlines! : )

  7. Hi Kim, she looks like a Rattie to me. As you know, I am owned by one. Best dogs ever! And I have 4 dogs, but the rattie is my baby. The longer you have her, the more attached you'll get. :) I got my first rattie as a stray. Since then, I've always had one on the farm.

  8. Sorry I didn't get back with some of you sooner. I'd been waiting to see if the little mite showed back up. Not long after this blog started, she got spooked and took off. We haven't seen her since. :(
